There’s going to be so many important details that pop up on moving day itself, so it will be much easier for you if all the packing and labeling is done before the movers arrive.
If you have items or furniture that you no longer need, throw a farewell party where any of your friends can come take any of your belongings that you want to give away.
If some of your belongings are particularly rare furniture, art, or appliances consider selling it via eBay or antique or consignment store. Some objects that you would normally overlook as total junk can carry extreme value at auctions.
We suggest packing a light bag with every item you may need (out of true necessity, or for comfort) during moving day. This includes snacks, a change of clothes, any medication, contacts/eye drops, and a toothbrush and toothpaste bottle.
You don’t want to only realize when you’re trying to communicate with your movers that your phone is out of battery – it can delay, or even derail an entire day’s schedule. Leave your phone plugged in the night before so you know you can get a full charge.
If you live in an apartment building, sharing the elevator with another moving tenant can add a lot of unwanted stress to the process. Coordinate your move with your neighbors so that you can be certain that you have the use of the elevator or freight lifter to yourself.
In case a wall gets dinged and you need to make quick repairs to avoid losing your security deposit to your landlord, make sure to purchase handy instant sealant tools to make instant repairs if need be.
These can be extremely handy for your movers. Make sure to have a screwdriver, an allen wrench, and a box cutter.
You want to make sure that any friends that are going to be helping you with your move are prepared and aware that the day may be filled with labor. The best volunteers to recruit are friends who you know well, and who are familiar with the basic layout of your property.