Moving day can be seriously hectic. Things break, you discover a crowded unorganized storage container that you presumed was empty. There’s no way to fully anticipate exactly what’s going to happen – so the best thing that you can do is ensure that you are prepared with the correct supplies. Here’s 5 items that you […]
If you’re enlisting the help of friends or family to help you pack or transport your belongings for a move, it’s an absolute must that you pay them back somehow – it’s the right thing to do, as moving can be an exhausting day long process. A slice of pizza isn’t close to enough. […]
Besides the emotional transition, moving requires a significant financial expenditure. You’re going to have to allot budget for packing materials and boxes, a moving company, and many other potential charges that often aren’t considered – for example, daycare for your children on moving day. Rest easy, however, because there’s a bunch of fantastic ways to […]
If you have a small child, it’s of primary importance to childproof your home as soon as possible after you move in. Accidents are more likely to happen at newly moved-into homes if you don’t make the creation of a safe environment for children your priority. If you follow this list of essential tips, you […]
Brooklyn has a higher population than the rest of New York City’s five boroughs – it’s made up of many areas that have more variation – and space – than the packed traffic of Manhattan; including walkable streets, tons of parks, closely-knit communities, and affordable rents. Here’s 8 great reasons to consider Brooklyn’s spacious neighborhoods […]
Moving into a new place contains a lot of emotional weight. When leaving behind a house or apartment that we’ve become accustomed to, it can feel like you’re leaving behind the times that you spent there. Children have grown, jobs have changed, friends have been made, and all the everyday occurrences of daily life have […]
Moving into a new home can be one of the largest undertakings of your life. Moving demands lots of time and effort – not to mention money. You have to budget yourself to provide the cost of hiring a moving company, as well as the cost of boxes and packaging materials – and any other […]
For most people, packing for an upcoming move doesn’t sound too fun. A single room can seem like an entire monthly project. Take, for example, your bathroom – the tons of supplies that are stored in this room are difficult to store – and are perishable to note! Luckily, I’m going to provide you with […]
If you’re looking to buy a new home, there’s a huge collection of variables to consider in deciding to sign, or keep looking. These valuable tips might not occur to buyers when searching for their home – or at least they might be eclipsed by the more exciting elements of visiting what could potentially be […]
Moving can be a major transition. It certainly helps to have preparation and assistance – but even with these, an extra-fortifying calmness booster can make the experience even better. In this blog post, I’ll cover some simple tips that can help make the moving process as stress free as possible. Preparation Before packing, make an […]
Fine art can be extremely delicate and sensitive to its environment and handling methods. From sculpture to painting, each piece of art needs particular practices of transportation in order to ensure the integrity of its structure and content. The many important intricacies of fine art handling make it a distinct talent and profession. If you’re […]
Long Distance moves are a major operation – you’re picking up and transferring your entire world into another home. While it seems daunting, packing up the sum of your belongings can actually be a methodical and organized experience. With some prep and focus, your home can be packed, transported, and unpacked with a surprising amount […]