Check out this guide to solid techniques for packing your books during your move, as prepared by the residential moving experts here at Noah’s Ark Moving and Storage.
Analyze your book collection and get rid of books that you don’t want or need to keep. Separate must keep books from other books that you are less likely to finish or read in the future. Local schools, libraries, and charities are likely always looking for book donations.
Purchase sturdy, medium sized cardboard boxes that will simultaneously hold the right amount of books without falling apart. Don’t pack too many books in one box as it can be impossible to then move.
Pack hardcover books at the bottom go boxes to create a sturdy base. Then pack paperbacks and light books.. Don’t try to overpack or put too many books in one box.
Pack moving boxes into the truck or in the proper area. Pack boxes of books in the box of the moving vehicle away from any boxes in which liquid or other potential damaging substances are kept.
Hire a professional moving team for expert assistance with handling every aspect of your move, including the transport of a large book collection or library, which is one of the most common yet extremely heavy forms of moving boxes involved in everyday residential and commercial moves alike.